Employees Union demands Sindh Government for returning of Planning & Urban Design Dept. to KDA


KDA Employees Union President Nadeem Khokhar, General Secretary Dilawar Khan and Spokesman Abdul Maroof asked Minister Local Government for the handing over of Planning and Urban Design Department to KDA.

Spokesman KDA Employees Union stated that it was decided in the last Governing Body meeting to handover the said department to Karachi Development Authority. He added that the Chairman of Governing Body is Minister of Local Government and the said decision was taken in the presence of Minister.

He shared that four months period has been passed in sending the letter after the approval of meeting minutes to the Secretary Local Government by DG KDA.

Abdul Maroof informed that during the lockdown in city kda recovery is zero in this condition the said department has much importance for its inclusion in KDA.

He asked Sindh Government to resolve the said issue so the department would be financially stable. As the said department has billions of rupees which is the need of KDA now.

Spokesman of Union said that there are 2 to 2.5 billion liabilities of KDA , if the said department would devolve into KDA than we could overcome those liabilities and also pay the salaries and pensions of two employees which is already 2 months pending.

He stated that if the Sindh government could not issue additional grant or payment of one-time grant , in this stage devolution of said department into KDA is the only option left. Moreover, he expressed hope that Minister Local Government Syed Nasir Hussain Shah would resolve the said issue on a priority basis.

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