Unity in Diversity: Global Pakistani Minorities Unite in Tribute to Shahbaz Bhatti



(USA) – In a powerful display of solidarity and remembrance, a diverse group of leaders and advocates from Pakistani minority communities worldwide gathered in a virtual Zoom meeting to pay tribute to Shaheed Shahbaz Bhatti on the anniversary of his martyrdom.

Organized and hosted by Vajeesh Partab, the event featured distinguished speakers and community leaders who shared their heartfelt reflections on the life and legacy of Shaheed Shahbaz Bhatti. James Cyprian, Vice President PPP USA, delivered a poignant keynote address, emphasizing the importance of tolerance and unity.

The participants included:

Shammas Shammun (Information Secretary PPP USA Minority Wing)
Shammas Tabriaz (President PPP Albany – USA Minority Wing)
Omaish Dekahcha (Pakistani Hindu Youth Leader)
Safina Javed (Pakistani Human Rights Leader)
Maqbool Masih Khokhar (President PPP Minority Wing Hyderabad)
Pervez John Saroya (Vice President PPP Canada Toronto)
Irfran Nayyar (Pakistani Christian Youth Leader)
Naresh Chand (Pakistani Hindu Community Leader)
Dr. Sabir Micheal (Human Rights Defender & Professor)
Emmaunal Asghar (President PPP Minority Wing USA California)
Vivian D. Xavier (Pakistani Christian Youth Leader)

Sadaqat Sardar, PPP General Secretary for Pennsylvania State

The virtual conference served as a platform for these leaders to express their gratitude for the tireless efforts of Shahbaz Bhatti in championing the rights of religious minorities in Pakistan. Each speaker shared personal anecdotes and perspectives, highlighting the ongoing struggle for equality, justice, and human rights.

The event underscored the commitment of Pakistani minorities worldwide to foster unity, understanding, and respect among diverse communities.

The legacy of Shahbaz Bhatti continues to inspire individuals across borders to stand together in the pursuit of a more inclusive and harmonious society.

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