United States wants to remove Hamas from Palestine while they do not take any cognizance of Israeli bombardments of Hospitals, says the Iranian Envoy


The Iranian Ambassador, His Excellency Dr. Reza Amiri Moghadam, during a dinner with Karachi Council On Foreign Relations (KCFR) , he expressed his condolence to the Palestinian People for their plight.

He said that Iran and Pakistan have a lot of cultural, religious language commonalities and links and that we share a 900 km border.

He said that Iran wishes to expand Pak-Iran ties in all areas especially in the field of commerce and economy.

He said that its possible to create east west road links, which would greatly improve trade.

He told that the CPEC Projects which are next to Iran, have potential to increase the bilateral trade of goods, and energy and oil between Pakistan and Iran.

He appreciated the role of think tanks like KCFR to promoting better relations between the two countries such as nanotechnology and in the field medicines.

Replying to a question the ambassador said that the agreement between Russia, Iran and Pakistan in under formulation after which the trade links between the three countries would greatly increase and that KCFR should take on to make the general public aware of such agreements.

He said that Iran will not have any issues in trading with Pakistan in Yuans instead of dollars ; and that it would depend upon banks in Iran and Pakistan to form such procedures for using Yuan for trade between Iran and Pakistan.

He added that all United Nations restrictions, including military and defense sanctions had been lifted from Iran. For the air cargo, Pakistani and Iranian airlines should negotiate with each other, for the trade of perishables.

Replying to another question about the gas pipeline agreement between Pakistan and Iran, the Ambassador replied that the deal had been signed 10-12 years ago and Iran had fulfilled its commitments until their border ; however, Pakistan had not extended its gas pipeline to their shared border, due to understandably, outside pressure, from other countries.

He said the issue is under consideration and would be resolved soon, with discussions between the Pakistan Energy Minister and his Iranian counterpart on this issue.

The Ambassador hoped that the pipeline would be operational as this project was of vital importance both, to Iran and Pakistan.

Replying to another question the Ambassador replied that many ideas are being floated to facilitate direct trade, instead of through Dubai, with Pakistan for directly transferring goods and it is possible ; however, interested parties should approach the Iranian embassy for a detailed guidance.

Replying to another question about Muslim disunity, especially on the Palestine issue, the Ambassador agreed that Iran too wanted to have a unified Muslim approach, and that efforts for this endeavor had ever been taken since Iranian Revolution ; he continued that the United States wants to remove Hamas from Palestine and they allow Israel to continue bombing the hospitals, mosques and churches in Gaza.

He added that the issue cannot be resolved till Zionists existed. Dr. Huma Baqai, the Senior Vice Chairperson of KCFR welcomed the Ambassador and noted that the world was now at a crossroads and Iran has stood by the right side of the history.

She said that the geographical location of Pakistan and Iran creates a huge potential for them to be close allies and that KCFR is doing its part in creating bridges between the two countries.

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