Trader community and Jamat e Islami demonstrate over inflation and heavy bill of electricity


Jamat e Islami, trader community of Gulshan e Hadeed called protest demonstration over nonstop inflation and heavy bills of electricity holding banners and play cards in their hands at Gulshan e Hadeed.

Demonstrators hailed serious slogans and said to remove extra taxes and subdue inflation as soon as possible.

On that occasion lead people of expostulated demonstration said addressing that K-electric and WAPDA have had tyranny by charging invalid extra taxes and heavy bills of electricity which have broken the back of poor and labor communities people.

They added that this situation has created great trouble and life of poor communities people has become miserable. They said at present poor people can not afford to feed their children and they have been coerced to commit a suicide whose responsibility goes over previous government, K-electric and WAPDA.
More over they narrated that care taker government is busy on charging heavy taxes instead of providing relief to public. They enunciated strike throughout country on 2 September.

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