The first case suspected in the examination hall during semester paper being conducted in the campus.”The Law Faculty has postponed the today’s paper after the resistance of students and restrictions by their families’ University of Karachi (UOK) Lawyers Wing said.
According to sources, the covid-19 affected students were aware of their health inefficiency but due to the pressure of physically patterned examinations they have came with precautions for not waste a ‘year’.
After emerged situations, three of the students have been not allowed to sit in the exams and suggested to be quarantined.
While other examinations have been conducted except today’s paper.
When contacted, the students said that teachers wants to continue exams even in this rising covid-19 situations, on other side student’s communication is underway to change the current pattern of examinations into online examinations or to be promoted as per last semester percentage.
Meanwhile, a hundreds of students have complained that SOPs are not being followed in the campus.
They said that many students were seen without masks, applying hand shaking custom, no sensitization, while there was no concept of social distancing being followed at all.
They said ”We the future of nation can’t put our lives at risky atmosphere at campus. We need to be heard by teachers for relaxation’.