Sindh Sports Minister Sardar Muhammad Bux khan Mahar has been unopposed elected President Of Sindh Olympic Association


In the elections held at Karachi Gymkhana, Sindh Sports Minister Sardar Muhammad Bux khan Mahar was elected unopposed as the President of the Sindh Olympic Association for the next four years. Ahmed Ali Rajput was also elected as Secretary, alongside other key officials: Wali Shah Naeem Zafar (Vice Presidents), Gulfraz Khan (Hockey), Naseem Qureshi (Karate), and Tariq Zafar (Bodybuilding). A total of 28 representatives of the Sindh Olympic Association cast their votes in the election.

During his address at the event, Sardar Muhammad Bux Mahar highlighted the Sindh government’s ongoing efforts to develop a sports city. He mentioned that a letter has been sent to the Commissioner of Karachi requesting land outside the city for this purpose, with the aim of establishing the sports city as soon as possible.

He also celebrated Sindh’s achievements in the provincial games last year, where the province ranked first among others. He emphasized the abundance of talent in Sindh and reaffirmed the government’s commitment to supporting local athletes. He outlined their goals to achieve sporting targets and focus on enhancing games.

Additionally, he announced the introduction of a sports calendar for Sindh and the organization of upcoming games next month, ensuring maximum facilities for the youth.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Sardar Muhammad Bux Mahar honored the elected members of the Sindh Olympic Association with traditional Sindhi caps and Ajraks, and distributed shields. Akbar Ali Qaim Khani from hockey and Mohsin Raza from table tennis were also elected as reporting Olympic sports members.

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