Role of Youth in Awareness raising on COVID-19 Preventing & Limiting Population Growth
By: Sanjay Mathrani
An orientation session conducted with volunteers from different walks of life by Thar Education Alliance entitled ‘Role of Youth in Awareness raising on COVID-19 Preventing and Limiting Population Growth’ today at TEA Training Hall.
With 211.17 million people and a population density of 265 per kilometer, Pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the world. China, India, the US, and Indonesia have higher populations than it.
The Economic Survey of Pakistan (ESP) reported that the population growth rate of Pakistan has fallen.
2018 witnessed 2.4% population growth, however, 2019 witnessed a reduced 1.89% population growth rate.
If everything goes as planned by the state, the government predicts population growth rate reducing to 1.5% by 2025 and 1.1% by the year 2030.
Talking to the audience, Sanjay Mathrani shared briefly shared that, The Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) has devastating effects globally as well as the Islamic The Republic of Pakistan. additionally, to the final health crisis, it’s affected awareness, access, and accessibility of FP and SRH services to the bulk of the population.
As we tend to understand that overwhelming increment not solely affects maternal and newborn health however it’s a negative impact on different social and economic problems, like lack of education, poverty, restricted opportunities, and shrunken resources.
He further added that it’s dire need to mobilize that local community and make them aware of the available resources and the possible opportunities, population planning and population management is the only way to reduce the growth.
The female participation actively interacted in session, and also discussed the social factors behind this scenario, associating with the health care department, Mohini Bai said that she is playing a pro-vital role by sensitizing the women door-to-door. The majority of the participants seemed so excited about the competition and they assured that they’ll share such kind of opportunities with other youth as they can take part in and glorify their creative approaches.