Residents of Soomar Ismail protest against electricity closure


Soomar Ismail village residents expostulated against electricity closure and blocked main road of Memon village led by social worker Farooq Khaskheli, Ghulam Hussain, Ghulam Mustafa and others.

Residents participated protest demonstration in a great number and chanted serious slogans against K-electric management raising hands in the sky.

On that occasion lead people of protest demonstration addressed participants and said that unscheduled load shedding of electricity has become much agony and mental torture for them also a shortage of drinking water has occurred in area due to continuous 15 hours load shedding.

They told that majority of residents is unemployed and pay their electricity bills on time even during load shedding.

They said that they have become deprived from all fundamental rights and facilities due to long time closure of electricity in area about which they have been complaining to elected representatives and K-electric staff and management but no solution has been taken of that issue.

They futher said that they will protest against K-electric Injustices till problem’s resolution and will not be silent any how.

They appealed Chief Minister Sindh, Governor Sindh and other concerned authorities to take notice of unfairs and tyranny of K-electric and over billing if not then they will become coerced to disperse the boundary of protest

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