Rafia Mallah urges teachers, principals to play vital role in spreading message of Paigham-e-Pakistan

Rafia Javed Mallah Additional Director Directoate of Inspection and Registration of Private Institutions Sindh ,Director General Muhammad Afzal along with Qurban Bhutto Deputy Director and Akhlaq Ahmed Monitoring Officer visited VERITAS Learning Circle on Tuesday to convey the message of Paigham-e-Pakistan to the students and teachers of the school. 
They first met with Principal Syed Muzaffar Shah Bukhari and the teachers in his office, where they discussed the message of Paigham-e-Pakistan.
Ms. Rafia Javed and Muhammad Afzal emphasized the need to promote peace, brotherhood, tolerance, empathy, and religious harmony among the people.
They explained that Paigham-e-Pakistan is essentially a FATWA, representing a consensus of over 1800 scholars from various schools of thought.
They urged the principal and teachers to play a vital role in spreading this message and conveying it to the students in its true spirit.
Later on, they participated in activities related to Paigham-e-Pakistan with the students were organized in the school.
The children and teachers sang national songs, and the venue was decorated with Pakistani flags.
The children also organized an art activity related to Paigham-e-Pakistan, where a small tree was adorned with green leaves.
Moreover, the Director General and Additional Director wrote their impressions about the message of Paigham-e-Pakistan on the blackboard.
The enthusiasm of the children regarding their love for Pakistan was noteworthy.
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