People are requested to offer Friday prayers at homes, Nasir Hussain Shah


Sindh Minister for Information & Local Government Syed Nasir Hussain Shah has appealed the people to stay at homes on Friday .

In a statement released on Thursday evening Nasir Shah has requested the citizens to carry forward the practice of offering Friday (Jumma) prayers at home and to obey the Lock Down instructions.

Minister Information appreciated the efforts of Ulma, Doctors, Para Medical staff, LEAs and every one to cooperate with the Sind Government,“We are thankful to every segment of the society for following the government instruction in order to defeat the Corona Crises.

Together we can overcome every circumstances”.Describing the importance of precautionary measures Nasir Shah said that,“The international health community is emphasizing the importance of Social Distancing and cure.

As a nation we have to restrict ourselves for the safety of us and our families”.

Minister also applauded the efforts of Chief Minister Sind and Chairman PPP.

“Government of Sind was the first to take serious safety measures against the disease as Murad Ali Shah followed the day by day guide lines of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, to save our people from the bigger loss”.

Nasir Shah urged the people to continue their cooperation with the officials of Police and other LEAs.

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