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Nowadays mother nature is facing many challenges regarding global warming and carbon emissions negatively impacting the environment.
Governments are directing industries to try to shift towards a Greener Economy. Pakistan has taken solid measure in recent years in the leadership of our Honorable Prime Minister Imran Khan by initiated “Billion Tree Tsunami” campaign for planting trees.
Government Environmental Protection Department in Pakistan has urged the steel industry towards importance of use of scrubbers to cope up with environmental issues caused during steel manufacturing and directed steel re-rolling mills not to use black carbon as fuel and to convert their wet scrubbers to dry scrubbers, helping nurture existing industrial economy.
Secondly Ministry of Climate has launched many initiatives for green environmental solving mechanism Clean Green Index and Clean Green Champion (CGPI) program.
According to UNEP a green economy is one which is “low carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive”, or simply put, “one that results in improved human well-being and social equity while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities”.