Karachi: Director General Public Relations, Information Department, Government of Sindh Muhammad Saleem Khan has said that media management and public relationing is exoeriencing latest developments by every passing day and students of mass communication must adopt the same for enhancing their capabilities to be successful in their chosen field of mass communication.

This he said while addressing a 19- member delegation of students of mass communication department of university of Karachi led by associate professor Dr. Rana Afzal at his office here today. Mr. Muhammad Yousuf Kabooro, Director AdvertisementbInformaion Department was also present on the occasion.

Director General further said that specialy during last fifteen years the media industry has experienced significant changes which has been led by emergence of electronic and now social media.”These changes have enabled journalists to perform their duties with ease on one hand but had also created hardships for them on the other hand” ,he added.

While pointing out the changes during last 35 years in the working of Information Department, the Director General said that in 1989, when he started service the news were typed on a huge typewriter.Later, Computers, Fax machines, Emails and now whatsApp have replaced the typewriters and working of PROs has become substantially easy”,he observed.

While commenting on increasing influence of Social Media and steps being taken by Information Department,he said that the Department has established Social Media Directorate in which artificial Intelligence is being used to analyses data.

“The AI software is being used to apprise common man about the steps being taken by Government of Sindh for their welfare and clarify the baseless propaganda in media,” he opined.

He informed the delegation about the working of various sections of the department in detail and said that the students would be welcomed for internship in the department.

The head of delegation Dr. Rana Afzal thanked the Director General for his briefing and invited him to visit mass communication department of Karachi University. Later, the delegation members visitef various sections of Head Quarter of Information Department.

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