HEC Alleged Missteps: UK Visit Triggers Calls for Accountability and Transparency


In a shocking revelation, it has come to light that the Federal Higher Education Commission (HEC) recently planned a visit to the United Kingdom under the guise of a training trip. What makes this visit controversial is the alleged violation of merit and transparency, with accusations of favoritism and exclusion of key stakeholders.

According to sources close to the matter, Regional Director of HEC Sindh, Noor Amna Malik, along with Director General of Learning and Innovation, orchestrated the inclusion of Vice Chancellors from two private universities in the UK visit. This inclusion raised eyebrows as it involved institutions, including one that is relatively new in establishment.

The Vice Chancellor of Dewan University, Dr. Aurangzeb Khan, and the Vice Chancellor of Paper-limited Safi University, Wasim Qazi, were reportedly included in the delegation without proper disclosure or invitation to other universities, leading to concerns of unfair treatment and favoritism.

Furthermore, it has been alleged that Regional Director Sindh, Javed Memon, played a pivotal role in adding these names to the delegation, particularly highlighting the controversial inclusion of Dr. Waseem Qazi, who was recently dismissed from the post of Vice Chancellor at Iqra University.


In another contentious move, the recently appointed Vice Chancellor of Federal Urdu University, who was expected to address university issues promptly, is also part of this visit to the UK, marking his second overseas trip since assuming office.

The decision to accommodate the delegation members, which includes Vice Chancellors from various universities such as Veterinary University, Bakhsh University Jamshoro, University of Karachi, Liaquat Medical University Jamshoro, among others, in the luxurious Holiday Inn hotel in London has raised concerns about the judicious use of public funds.

HEC’s actions have sparked serious reservations within academic circles, with calls for transparency, fairness, and accountability in such official visits. The controversy surrounding this UK trip is likely to deepen as more details emerge regarding the decision-making process and the motivations behind the delegation composition.

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