Habitants of Zakria Village protest against electricity closure


Karachi : Inhabitants of Zakria Village came out protesting from their houses over road against clouser of electricity and its unscheduled load shedding over here on yesterday.

Protest was led by Saleem, Majid, Ubaidullah and others where demonstrators hailed serious slogans against clouser of electricity and K-electric management raising hands high in the sky and grasping banners in their hands.

Due to the demonstration of villagers superhighway road blocked cause of what traffic jammed over both sides of road.
On that occasion lead people of expostulation talked with journalists that their village electricity has been cut off from many days and they have been made constrained to live in darkage. They said that they have been paying electricity bills time to time but they are deprived from basic rights such as electricity and their life has become hell due to no electricity.

They said that they have complained many times to K-electric management but it has taken no step yet for its recovery and has adopted a prejudice behavior with them. They said angrily that K-electric has no reverence of month of Muhram.
On the other hand police arrived at protest place on report and tried to negotiate with lead people of protest but failed to disperse them.

Villagers demanded to recover disconnected electricity immediately till that they will be protesting.

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