Enforcement campaign for Tobacco vendors Act launched in Islamabad


The Islamabad administration is committed to further strengthening the tobacco-free city initiative. However to make the city tobacco smoke-free, complete eradication of the tobacco epidemic is necessary for the simultaneous implementation of both strategies, demand and supply.

The implementation of the Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non Smoker’s Health Ordinance 2002 is essential to achieve the demand side targets, the Islamabad Administration has successfully ensured its implementation through proper awareness of hazards of tobacco use & laws, implementation, declaring smoke free public places and imposing fine on smoking at public places and PSVs. This strategy mainly covered reducing the demand for tobacco use among the general population in Islamabad.

The implementation of the Tobacco Vendor Act is a tremendous step taken by the Islamabad administration to achieve the supply side targets, This not only revealed the number of tobacco vendors in ICT but also the revenue collected.

Shehryar Arif Khan, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Islamabad, shared these views while spearheading the Excise Department inspection team for conducting raids at tobacco outlets in Islamabad’s Super Market. He was accompanied by Capital Police and Inspectors ,Sub Inspectors of Excise and Taxation department of ICT, Islamabad.

Director Excise ICT Bilal Azam and his enforcement team checked sale of smuggled tobacco goods and verified licensing status of vendors, Sale of tobacco products in ICT is subject to vendor’s license through the Excise Department.

Bilal Azam was of the view that licensing of tobacco vendors has proved to be a very effective tool in controlling unlawful sale of cigarettes. “This protects our kids from harmful effects of smoking and uneventful loss of life due to cancers and heart diseases, “he added. The excise team issued warnings to shopkeepers and asked them to get their licenses issued or renewed within a week.

Naeem Akhtar, National Focal Person on tobacco control in the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (NHSRC) appreciated the efforts of ICT administration to make Islamabad a tobacco smoke free city. He said that the health department considers preventive measures as a priority. He concluded the ceremony and said that the Islamabad Smoke-Free City model is the best practice in preventing non-smokers’ health by the Tobacco Control Secretariat of World Health Organization.

National Focal Person on tobacco control, Additional Deputy Commissioner and Director Excise Islamabad jointly launched the campaign through giving first Tobacco Vendor License to Emaan General Store, Super Market for fiscal year 2022-23. and enforcement campaign for Tobacco Vendor Licensing launched for Fiscal Year 2022-23 in collaboration with “Smoke- Free Islamabad” Project, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (NHSRC).

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