By: Asad Khan
All the private schools are closed since 22 Dec 2019 as firstly due to winter vacation then because of pendamic of Coronavirus.
“During winter vocation we were unable to collect fee of Jan & Feb, when admission season started in march all the activities were halted by lockdown. In this way private schools has been effected adversely by this epidemic” Raja Qadeer Iqbal Focal Person Private Education Network Abbottabad shared these views while speaking with Daily City News.
By ventilating the grievance of private schools he epressed ” Majority of schools are in rented premises and rent is due likewise utility bills, salary of staff and other expenditure are also outstanding”.
Pointing out the plight of lower staff i-e peon, security gaurd he said that private schools were compensating this poor segment of society who had been badly grinded by lockdown and holidays.
“How come we would disburse the salaries to our staff when no fee would be collected and schools be closed as we have no other source of incom except the fee”.
Government is annoucing relief packages for different industries we also deserve the attention of state as private schools are contributing to govt by providing standered education to citizens of country.
Private Education Network demands relief package for private schools in which compensatory grants be given to rented buildinga schools and 5o% salaries of staff shall be paid by govt.