Citizen files plea seeks formation of reference against SHC Judge

A citizen from Sukkur on Saturday filed a plea seeking the formation of reference against Sindh High Court’s (SHC) judge Justice Naimtullah Phulputo. 

Mehrab Khoso, from Sukkur filed a plea in Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) seeking the formation of reference against SHC judge. 

However, Lawyers Action Committee (LAC) came into action on the plea seeking the formation of reference against the judge.

Advocate Gulfaraz Khattak said that if a person was doing something wrong then he should face the law. He said the reference is being proceeded with some methods in Supreme Judicial Council. ‘’We will stand with that person if there would be injustice with him,’’ he said. 

Khattak said if a citizen filed a plea then it must be noted that something wrong happened to him. ‘’We will stand with citizen if levelled allegations proved true,’’ he said. 

Another advocate Ehteshaam said that according to the constitution of 1973, if something wrong is happening against a citizen then he has right to raise voice against anyone. 

He said: ‘’As the reference was being filed against other judges, liken that reference could be made against justice Phulputo.’’

Ehteshaam said if an inquiry was coming against justice Phulputo then he might face it. ‘’I think this plea be termed maintainable and reference be filed,’’ he said. 
He also said that he would request Chief Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, Justice Gulzar Ahmed and other judges to consider on the plea.

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