Caritas Pakistan trains volunteers to tackle the upcoming situation in Karachi due to rain

Caritas Built the Capacity of Volunteers and Disaster Management Committee (DMC) member on Search, Rescue and First Aid and Distributed Emergency Response Kits

Caritas Pakistan Karachi under the “Restoration of Livelihood and Resilience Building of Forced Eviction Affected Families if Gujjar Nala”, project support by the Caritas Japan conducted a training session on search and rescue and first aid procedures for DMC members and volunteers of Gordhan Camp and Kausar Niazi Colony at St. Jude’s Parish , Karachi.



The Objective of the training were to equip our volunteers and Disaster Management Committee (DMC) members to impart the necessary knowledge and skills for the response of any disaster in effectively to save lives of the people and property.



Mr. John Rehmat, program coordinator facilitated the training session on capacity building of Disaster Management Committees (DMCs) members and Volunteers. He said that today we have organized this training session to strengthen and build the capacity of our DMC members and volunteers to response any disaster in effective manner.

Mr. Mansha Noor, Executive Secretary in his opening remarks said that Role of Volunteers and DMCs Members are very vital and important in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). without the full participation and contribution of Volunteer in decision-making and leadership, real community resilience to disasters may not be achieved. He Concluded his opening remarks and said that search and rescue and first aid training are a valuable asset in the development of our volunteer and DMC team members to enhancing their capabilities in these key areas, we have strengthened our organizations capacity to assist in emergency response efforts and to provide much-needed support to the community in the event of a natural disaster or any emergency

Project Officer Sarfraz Anwar, was the facilitator / Trainer of the search, rescue and first aid training. He said during any disaster if you find any injured person, how will you provide first aid? Therefore first of all you have to search for the injured person and when that person is found you first immediately inspect the whole place to see if there is anything there to provide help to him to save him. Please make safe yourself from any danger before providing safety to any other person.



Participants did hands-on exercises to apply the concepts learned, including mock search and rescue scenarios. Volunteers demonstrated their understanding of search and rescue procedures and their ability to work effectively as a team.

Participants practiced various first aid techniques on each other, demonstrating their ability to respond to a range of medical emergencies.

The facilitator also explained in detail about the to effective use the equipment of Emergency Kits during and Disaster to DMCs members and Volunteers.

The Chief Guest Fr. Dilwar Samuel, Parish Priest of St. Jude’s Parish in his speech appreciated Caritas Karachi for organizing training on search and rescue and first aid

for the Disaster Management Committee members and Volunteers and imparted the knowledge and skills very effectively to build their capacity to response against any disaster situation.

He further said that Monsoon season in Karachi has now become a symbol of haphazardness in recent years as the city becomes flooded every now and then and everyday life becomes arduous that resulting vulnerability of the local population which increases the likelihood of hazards turning into disasters.

He concluded in the end that whatever people have learned today must helpful for implementation during any emergency to save life of the community members.

Participants expressed confidence in their ability to contribute during any emergency situation response efforts and provide effective assistance to those in need.



The Chief Guest and Executive Secretary handover the Emergency Response Kits to DMCs of Godhra Camp and Kausar Niazi Colony under the Restoration of Livelihood and Resilience Building of Forced Evicted affected Families of Gujjar Nala. The project has been supported by “Caritas Japan” through Caritas Karachi to save the lives of the people during the disaster.

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