100% industrial gas closure to prove disastrous: Zubair Motiwala


Chairman BMG and Patron-in-Chief of SITE Association of Industry Zubair Motiwala and President Abdul Hadi, have in a press statement, strongly protested over 100% gas closure of general industries by the SSGC and have termed this move of the SSGC ‘disastrous’ for the Karachi industries.

They have appealed the Prime Minister Imran Khan, Energy Minister Hammad Azhar, SAPM Tabish Gohar and Governor Sindh Imran Ismail to revert the decision of 100% gas closure of Karachi industries otherwise almost 50% industrial units will close down, resulting in mass unemployment.

Zubair Motiwala and Abdul Hadi said that closure of gas of Karachi industries without taking stakeholders into confidence is an act of injustice with the industries.

How such a big decision can be taken without consulting industrial community? questioned Motiwala. We are of the opinion that appropriate steps should be taken with mutual consent.

They added that if 50% industries are export-oriented units and remaining 50% are general industries, what is the wisdom behind closing down gas of those units and interrupt their production which are meant for domestic consumption.

They further said that there is no shortage of RLNG in the country. K-Electric and other systems are already being run by providing gas. As such, this is not the opportune time to close down gas of general industries.

“Govt. should take decisions in the larger interest of the economy. Instead of anti-industry steps, focus should be on reducing production cost and promoting industrialization to produce more avenues for employment.”, they remarked.

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