170 completed intermediate 200 more to join with fully funded SSESP at Dr AQ Khan Islamabad

170 Sindh School Education and Scholarship Program (SSESP) scholar students from Sindh completed their their seven-year journey V-XII at Dr. AQ Khan School in Islamabad. Additionally, 200 new students are enrolling, embarking on their path to a bright future.

These students, all from very humble backgrounds, are setting exemplary standards in their lives.

Dr. A.Q Khan School System & College, Ibraheem Campus, Islamabad hosted a memorable welcome and farewell function, marking the beginning of a new chapter for fresh faces and bidding a heartfelt goodbye to the passing out batch-2024.

The Sindh Education Foundation had initiated its Scholarship Program “Sindh School Education Scholarship Program” (SSESP) in 2017 to honor and to encourage talented students of Sindh Province with and objective to link them with quality institutions across Pakistan to pursue their post-primary education up-to higher secondary level.

SSESP is a fully funded scholarship program running under School Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh (SE&LD) and managed by Sindh Education Foundation, Government of Sindh. Scholarship program aims to encourage meritorious students academically and socially to find the best opportunities for future success and skilled with the visionary practices, which can help to create their own paths.

Dr. A.Q Khan School System & College, Ibraheem Campus, Islamabad hosted a memorable welcome and farewell function, marking the beginning of a new chapter for fresh faces and bidding a heartfelt goodbye to the passing out batch-2024 on 31st May, 2024.

The event was graced by esteemed guests from the education sector, in which Mr. Abdul Kabir Kazi, Managing Director, Sindh Education Foundation, and Mr. Ghulam Shahzad Agha, Education Minister, Gilgit Baltistan were the chief guests while Madam Shahpara (Director General Administration, SEF), Mr.Abdul Jabbar (Director Programs & Planning, SEF), Madam Naheed (Deputy Director Special Initiatives, SEF), Mr. Kashif Khawja (Assistant Director Subsidy Management Unit, SEF), and Mr. Sanjay Mathrani (Officer Advocacy & Communication, SEF) were the guests of honor.
Students then took to the stage, showcasing their talents through comedy shows, tableaus, poetry, and speeches.

Mr. Nasir Iqbal Ch. (Director Scholarship Programme Dr.A.Q.Khan School System & College, Ibraheem Campus, Islamabad), in his welcome address, warmly welcomed the honorable guests and the new students, and bid a fond farewell to the passing out batch. All the guests of honor then took the stage, imparting valuable pieces of advice and words of encouragement to the students.

Worthy Chief Guest Mr. Abdul Kabir Kazi, in his address to the students, emphasized the importance of living life with love and compassion, highlighting the significance of the “gap” between “welcome” and “farewell” He added that this gap symbolizes the philosophy of life. He said that this is Divine order to love and to create ease for the others.

He also announced a stipend increment of Rs. 500 for the students and a Rs. 1000 bonus for passing out students along with their stipend amount. He also announced a bonus of Rs.200000 for the institution.

Mr. Ghulam Shahzad Agha (Minister of Education, Gilgit Baltistan), addressing the students, motivated them to keep their morale high and announced plans to establish an education foundation in Gilgit Baltistan, inspired by the Sindh Education Foundation.

The event concluded with the distribution of gifts as souvenirs among faculty members, hostel staff, and passing out students from Team Sindh Education Foundation.

Similarly honorary shields were distrusted among the honorable guests by Team Management Dr.A.Q.Khan School System and College Ibraheem Campus Islamabad.

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